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Build a new relationship with your body

Build a new relationship with your body •

Awareness is the essence of life, the essence of the human experience. It begins where our internal and external worlds meet. Whether we’re professional athletes or grandparents; running errands, lifting weights, long-distance swimming, dancing, performing or playing with the kids, our bodies afford us the ability to do and experience it all.

We weren’t born with a manual for this body ”suit” we live in. When we learned to walk we did whatever we could to climb on top of these two legs and go. We were not taught the optimal mechanics or patterning. Today many of us are walking around with imbalanced physiological patterns that over time will lead to joint injury, cartilage damage and a possible need for surgical replacement. These imbalances, by the trained eye, can be identified 10, 20, even 30 years prior to the onset of pain and often prevent the injury, pain, disability, cost, burden on loved ones and time off all together!

SteXy™ is a program based on physical, emotional, and thought awareness practices designed to help us access the rawest building blocks of our human performance and expression. It is an amplifier and accelerator of all human endeavors.

SteXy™ Classes

SteXy™ is a precisely engineered and tested series of positions and transitions designed to impart foundational stability and flexibility. Through different physical, emotional, and thought experiences and challenges, individuals can experience an increase in awareness leading to an ever increasing sense of well being and joy.

SteXy™ classes are taught weekly in small groups through the Zoom platform currently. The classes give us the space to examine how we operate, challenge our beliefs, and test what we are capable of. This challenging and testing of our bodies and beliefs, strengthens our ability to successfully navigate reality and more intentionally steer our own ship.


I am amazed at how just in a few days I have come to access a deeper part of my self that I often avoid and tuck away. SteXy™ gave me a more profound, physical experience of separating my thoughts, my body, and my emotions, just leaving me with me. And I didn't realize how much I avoid myself until I started this practice. The mentorship has been absolutely phenomenal and the entire team has done an amazing job of creating a safe environment for me to explore my thoughts, my body, and my emotions in ways that have shifted my approach to how I do my life that I believe will be with me forever.
— Michele Hatchette

I just finished doing my band exercises with what was once my "sore and weak" shoulder. It is not sore anymore and has not been sore since my first SteXy™ class. I feel that just through the initial process of the introduction to all my individual muscle groups I was willing to push to get the data on what would happen if I used my arm without any fear. It was amazing to experience the first time I tried it.  My whole experience of myself has changed. I feel so much taller and connected to my body in a way that I never have felt before.
— Mike Bennett

I used to run/jog. And I realized that when I exercised, I was trying to take myself out of my body to get through a workout. I didn’t like feeling uncomfortable, so I distracted myself with music in my ears. This SteXy™ experience is keeping me in my body and feeling it. It is keeping me in uncomfortable positions and pushing me to stay in it. I feel like I am gaining strength in pushing the limits of what I used to avoid. If I can push just a little more each time, I am increasing my idea of self. So far, it’s been a pretty cool experience and can’t wait for more!!
— Shelly Tarzia

— Esther Carlson

— Eduardo Asunsolo

Our Roots

SteXy™ was originally developed in 2014 by a group of dedicated entrepreneurs as a life practice to help us explore and experience our bodies more deeply and discover the “Self” beyond our bodies. We acknowledge all of the co-developers who helped birth SteXy™ from its inception and are grateful for every contribution they made. Danielle Roberts and Sahajo Haertel continue to champion its unparalleled precision and effectiveness. It’s been a few years since SteXy™ classes were last held, and we are excited to carry its value forward so that it’s available to all those who will benefit from it. We’re Bringing SteXy™ Back!

We’re Bringing SteXy™ Back!